“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”― Mahatma Gandhi
Whether it's sitting in class and the teacher is waiting for a response or while I'm coaching athletes waiting for them to accomplish the goals before them, many do not start until someone steps up to show them an example of what to do. This is completely normal and I wait for an example to be set at times. However, there have been moments when no one steps up and nothing is accomplished. Everyone was waiting on someone to set the example and everyone missed opportunities to improve.
Improvement comes at the cost of stepping outside your comfort zones which is tough to do at times. Most people want to improve themselves whether it be in the classroom, at work, or with their health but never set out to do it until it's too late. I say do not wait because life does not wait. A lot of times all it takes is ten seconds of courage to take the first step and even if you get scared again the second and third steps become easier. The first step you took created an example for yourself to follow.
When the time comes for you to set an example, you'll set one for yourself and others. As one who is coming from the sitting and waiting mindset, you'll take on the mindset going and doing. Each hurdle jumped is an example for yourself to do better on the next one and each hurdle jumped is jumped with better skill and knowledge. You've also set an example that's better and better for the ones who follow you.
I'm not saying everyone should go out and be a General Patton or a Teddy Roosevelt. They are leaders of note and set great examples for all of us small scale leaders. I am saying you should ask yourself, when everyone is waiting for an example, a leader for two seconds, why are you waiting when you can set the example and stop waiting.
Stay strong.
Strength and Honor