Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Questions, they can really change a conversation or outlook on something. Sometimes a person will ask a question and really throw you off guard to where you don't know how to react. Perhaps it makes you question the reasons why you even did what you did or why you said the things you said. I hate that. It puts me all in a frenzy inside my head and I can't think clearly to the point when I respond it takes a paragraph for what a sentence can confirm. By the time I finish putting together all those frantic thoughts, I don't know if I even believe myself because I'm confused as to what my purpose is.

Lately, I have remembered a piece of wise advice from my mom and its "Question Everything". She would always tell me that but it never really clicked until the past few months. I thought she was primarily applying it to school and question the professors until I know the exact answer so I could get the A. I was missing the big picture though. She was telling me question "everything" as in myself, my dreams, purpose, actions etc. It was about more than getting the nice bold letter A on the report card; it was about being successful in life!

How does questioning everything help you succeed? Seemed like nonsense at first but it isn't. When you start questioning yourself about the things you have done, are doing, or will do, the meaning and purpose of those actions start to uncover themselves. Before training in weight room today, I asked myself,"Garrett, why are you here? Why do you constantly beat yourself down in hopes to lift a barbell up? Isn't pointless, barbaric and chauvinistic? You could be out there with your friends in the sunshine or enjoying life and not sacrifice so much of life. Why?" I laughed at the little voice of doubt in the back my head and answered,"I do it because I love the pain of discipline. I love the release of rage against the barbell. Yea, so what if I'm an outcast among my the majority of my peers. They aren't like me. Because I stand away from the masses and head in a direction that others like myself have gone, I make a difference. I blaze another trail for those to timid or lost right now to follow. To show them their dreams can become reality if they cut off the things meaningless to them and have courage to do so. Don't question myself resolve to succeed. I've removed my doubts because I have questioned myself already."

I am asked quite often by others why do I sacrifice so much. I get laughed at for not drinking at parties or going out late on the weekends. They say it's so fun to just forget everything, to get so drunk you destroy yourself and the relationships you have with others... Not to me. I embrace the names freak, insane, and loser. I wear them as a badge of pride. I do what most do not, make my dreams a reality. I train insane because it keeps me sane and focused on my goals. I lift heavier weights higher because others choose not too and to push the naysayers further away from me in fear. In fear that I will accomplish what I've set out to do.

Misery loves company, which is what I see in the masses. They have not questioned why they do things not meaningful to them and why they continue to do them. They are miserable for it. They live for the weekend to forget their meaningless life in meaningless activities. I'm not saying that you readers are the masses but I'm sure many of you know the kind of people I speak of. Don't be like them, it's not worth it. It's okay to walk alone because you won't really be alone. There are plenty of us "against the grain" types out there to keep you company and motivated. Keep training insane and lifting heavy weights! Run faster, study longer, say no to that extra drink and get some sleep. Don't do something you know is wrong or sets you back.You'll be better for it. Come on, you can do it! Be a freak! Be the outsider! Get laughed at for your lifestyle. Let it fuel you. Don't stop because no one likes what you do. They don't like it because you're doing what they're too scared to...

Thanks Ma for the the advice. I love you and will always remember to question everything. I will continue to suffer the pain of my discipline as a weightlifter and my beliefs as a Christian. I will carry on with my dreams and when I accomplish them I will wait for you, the masses, to change your hearts and follow after. I will embrace you as friend then. Until then, I will continue training and becoming stronger everyday waiting for you.

See you soon.

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