Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Eyes Wide Open

     Open your eyes. You've had enough dreams. You've had enough nightmares. They are illusions of the mind that is slowly becoming your reality and drawing you out of your body into a cavern of darkness and solitude. God breathed existence into your body. He gave your body a mind to think and dream, he gave your body a soul to feel and share love, and he gave your body primal instinct to move your body to action. However, your body is the vessel he gave your mind, your soul, and your instinct. The vessel to display your wonderful gifts that make you who you are! It allows you to act. Open your eyes.

     When will you open them? Your dreams keep you asleep because they can take you wondrous places while your nightmares make you scared... scared that life will be like them. When you sleep your mind is at work which give you visions. Your soul is absorbing the emotions your dreams make. Your instinct moves you to action but there is no body to act. Open your eyes!

     When you open them you will see. You can use your body to act, to live, to thrive. The only difference between sleep and being awake is the opening of your eyes. One could argue that dreams do not hurt as bad as life but I tell you no. When you stay in dream-state the soul suffers. It can only absorb the positive or negative thoughts you dream of and we as humans are fallen. We become negative if left alone. You never share your love with others and others cannot share love with you. You are alone in solitude when you dream. It is like the creatures who ventured into the deep caves of the world. They were once beautiful, full of life, and lived amongst the sun. Now they have lost their sight and scratch a living amongst the rocks and darkness. Crawl out of your cave. Open your eyes!

     Life is full of dreams and full of nightmares just like sleep but have hope! When you open your eyes you can act and live through your dreams and nightmares. You will find others you also have opened their eyes who share their love, their dreams, and nightmares. This is how we grow. This is how we become better. We must open our eyes. We must use our vessel to act in our dreams and nightmares. This is the way to fulfillment because we take part in our journey and allow ourselves to be amongst others who also share in our journey.

Open your eyes...

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